Calgary is a bustling city where construction projects are always happening. If you have a construction site, you probably understand the importance of security. You have fences and cameras set up to ensure the safety of the site and the general public. However, that may not be enough. In this blog, we’ll talk about why investing in security guards is a good idea.
The Need for Security
It’s no secret that the need for security in many sectors is rising all the time. Security is especially important for construction sites, given the risk factors involved.
Construction sites are magnets for theft and vandalism. They contain valuable equipment and materials and, given the unfinished nature of a construction site, that equipment can’t easily be locked up securely.
Additionally, there are safety hazards present on construction sites, especially for those without proper PPE. If someone is injured on your construction property, you may be liable.
Security guards also provide an array of other benefits, including:
Detering Trespassers
Most trespassers are opportunistic. They go for the easy target. Trespassers, whether thieves looking to steal valuable equipment and materials or teenagers looking for somewhere to cause mischief, are less likely to intrude on the construction site if you have security guards stationed at strategic points throughout.
Monitor Access Points
Security guards can be stationed around construction site access points. This ensures that only authorized personnel are able to enter. This prevents theft and vandalism but can also ensure that people don’t unknowingly wander into potentially dangerous areas where they’re not supposed to be. After all, an active construction site has many hazards that can injure a person without adequate protection.
Provides Protection 24/7
Construction sites left unattended after hours are vulnerable to theft and vandalism. Construction equipment being vandalized can set a project back by quite a bit, which costs a lot of money on top of the money for repair costs. Security guards can provide protection at all times of the day, ensuring that your construction site is constantly monitored.
Why Guards?
So, why should you invest in security guards? Wouldn’t surveillance cameras be enough?
Cameras are a useful security feature, but they can only capture actions as they happen. They can provide footage of a trespasser, but there’s no way for cameras to intervene.
Having security guards on-site to monitor the cameras and patrol the grounds allows them to respond much more quickly to security breaches as they happen. They can catch intruders much more easily.
Calgary Security Services Provides Construction Site Security for Job Sites in Calgary
At Calgary Security Services, we take the security of your construction site very seriously. We are a regular provider of security guards for businesses throughout Calgary. Our team has been serving the city for over 19 years, providing security for businesses, institutions, construction sites, and more.
If you’re looking for reliable security personnel to secure your construction site, Calgary Security Services is here to help. To speak to us about your security needs, please contact us today.