In just the first quarter of 2020 alone, there were 286 instances of robbery in Calgary, Alberta. In the midst of a global pandemic, the future of the economy is somewhat uncertain. As such, crime rates have the potential to increase. More robberies or vandalism may occur—and your business could be the next target. The US Department of State reports that the overwhelming number of crimes that do occur in Calgary tend to target property. To keep your workplace, employees, and assets safe, it is imperative to hire office building security. Most of all, they provide peace of mind so you can focus on what really matters. To learn more about how your office can benefit from hiring office building security, keep reading.
What Are The Benefits of Having Office Building Security? Hiring a trusted security company to protect your office building has many key advantages. They will watch your building around the clock, so you don't have to. This way, you can focus on growing your business. Just the presence of a uniformed security company on duty can deter potential crime from hitting your office. If a criminal sees an officer patrolling the property, they are much less likely to strike and risk getting caught. You may also consider stationing an officer at the point of entry during business hours, as well. This way, only authorized personnel is permitted to enter. In addition to security measures, controlling the number of people in your office is more important than ever given COVID considerations. With a uniformed guard standing watch, they are the first point of contact for employees and guests. This instantly makes everyone feel more at ease and secure. Which Company Can I Trust When Hiring Professional Security in Calgary? No two businesses are the same, and as such, no two security plans will be the same. It is critical that you hire a trusted security company with many years of experience in the industry. Calgary Security Services is your solution. This company provides highly-specialized service, that can be customized to match the needs of your business. 24-hour service is available, to ensure the security of your office day and night. This might be more short-term, for a few hours at a time. Or it might be more long-term, including regular day-to-day security service. Either way, the highly-trained staff is equipped to handle any situation that may come up. This company only employs highly-trained and experienced security officers. They remain up-to-date with all industry standards and are all licensed in Calgary. Plus, all security guards employed by Calgary Security Services have gone through specific training required by the Province of Alberta Security Service and Investigations Act. In addition to security procedures, these officers are trained in skills including: - Report writing - Transportation of dangerous goods - Crime scene protection - Life-saving measures (CPR, First aid) - Let Calgary Security Services provide the utmost level of protection for your business. Hiring Professional Security for Your Business There are many benefits to having office building security on site. Calgary Security Services ensures the protection of your office building, employees, tenants, and property. With officers visibly on-site and the presence of marked patrol vehicles, criminals will be easily deterred from striking your office. Set up service with Calgary Security Services today, to ensure the ongoing protection of your business before it is too late.